Every day we as humans are tested and forced to make decisions. Some days those choices are small: where you will eat, will you take the subway or a Lyft, wine or water, and so on. These choices are small and most likely won’t affect your life in the big scheme of things. However, there are choices that can and do affect not only your life but the billions of other people living in this world. For example, who you vote for when elections come along. Look I know you hear it all the time, elections matter, go vote! Yeah, yeah, yeah, but listen to this. I know elections matter and I know whoever is reading this knows elections matter. What I want to look at is what happens after those elections. It isn’t a secret that the big ole US of A is in a state of distress. Whether you voted for Trump or not the facts are this: people are pissed on both sides, people need to feel like they have a voice, and that violence shouldn’t be how we solve all of our problems. With that in mind, you’re probably wondering where this is going. Well, it is quite simple really. Since moving to New York I have seen a ton of art. Some of it was inspiring and uplifting, some were brutally honest, some were just plain a beautiful mess of weirdness. However, the art that caught my eye was that of brave souls who put out some very opinionated work and said screw it all. These pieces of work didn’t just speak to me because they are somewhat political or because they swayed towards my own personal views. In all honesty, they stuck out to me because they were willing to say what they felt. They created these beautiful works of art that don’t hold back. These artists put everything into these simple and yet complicated pieces of art. Some made me laugh, some made me feel all warm inside, and some spoke their truth. When it comes to art there is no wrong or right way to do it, for me though, these ones spoke to me. Take a look at some of the art I find inspiring me in New York this summer.
Found in Williamsburg: